Buongiorno Creativi!
Oggi parte il challenge di settembre su
Sweet Nothings Stamp Co. Per partecipare dovete farvi ispirare dalla palette di colori Autunnali che vedete qui sotto. Le regole sono semplici: dovete creare un progetto che includa almeno 1 timbro digitale
Sweet Nothings Stamp e rispetti i colori della palette, (il vincitore riceverà un buono di $25 da spendere su
Scrapbuck), dovete essere iscritti al blog di SNS/Pagina Facebook, e basterà linkare qui sotto al vostro post. Ah! e andate a dare un'occhiata ai progetti degli altri membri ;o)))
Good Morning Fellow Crafters! I am so excited for you to be joining Sweet Nothings Stamp Co. and it’s very talented Design Team for our September Creative Challenge.
From now on, the 2nd Tuesday of every other month we will run a Creative Challenge. Some months the challenge may be a color palette to work with, other months it may be a theme or a layout. Every other month will be something new and creative for you to challenge yourself with. There will be a sweet little prize to be won as well.
For the month of September, we will be challenging you to create a project with this beautiful Autumn colour palette. This super cute color palette is great for any type of card and you can use any sentiment you'd like. Here is the inspiration for this month:
Here is what I have created to inspire you to challenge your creative side and play along with us in this contest:
Contest Rules:
- Contest runs from Tuesday September 11th-Tuesday September 25th (12 pm EST)
- Challenge: To use the color palette provided above. You may tweek it as you wish and add any other elements you'd like. Be as creative as you wish :D(Colors- dark peachy tan, candy apple red, bright coraly orange, light peachy tan, light sky blue)
- Project must include any Sweet Nothings Stamp Co. digi image.
- Only one project submission per creative mind please :)
- One winner will be chosen by voting by the SNSC DT and announced on SNSC Blog as well as on the Facebook Fan Page
- Must be a subscriber to the SNSC Blog/Facebook Fan Page
- Must submit project by Linky Tool by clicking the “Click Here to Enter” below
Prize to be won this month:
Prize this month is a $25 gift certificate to Scrapbuck.com. With all the supplies available over there, you'll be able to treat yourself to a little something on us!

I do hope you love my project. Be sure to check out the other amazing Sweet Nothings Stamp Co. Design Team member's blogs for other great ideas.